What if the weather is bad?
In the event of very bad weather please contact the
Falconry school on 083-003-9743 / 086-058-9300. If
the rain is very heavy and persistent we may have to
cancel, as it is neither enjoyable for people or
What falconry options are available?
We have two options available: Falconry Lesson
Option 1 and 2.
Both options are suitable for
children over the age of 7 years.
Difference in options:
- Option 1 includes 2 different bird of prey
species; you will be free flying both a hawk and an
- Option 2 includes 3 different bird of prey
species. You will learn to free fly an owl and a
hawk, but you will also get to see a falcon lure
demonstration. Witness the falcons agility in the
air as it attempts to outwit the falconer!
Can children take part in Falconry?
Both of the options we offer are suitable for
children over the age of 7 years. This is a policy
put in place for the safety of children and our
birds. We cannot permit anyone under the age of 7
years entry into the Falconry school (Including
babies or toddlers in buggies/pushchairs).
Due to our experiences being so hands-on and
interactive, we find that the free flying of raptors
in such close proximity can be overwhelming for
younger children.
What should I wear?
The majority of our
experience takes place in short grass, but it can be
quite muddy due to the reality of Irish weather.
During the winter we recommend waterproof footwear
or to have a change of footwear with you. We do have
some wellies/rainboots available if needed, but not
in all sizes!
Winter can be changeable, so
wrap up warm and bring a raincoat.
During warmer months we recommend suitable
footwear for the field, ideally not flip-flops or
sandals. Sunscreen and a sun hat for hot days is
also recommended.